How to Start a Personal Blog 

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Blogs are one of the cornerstones of this beautiful, rapidly growing internet world. Therefore, you may want to create and manage your personal blog. But deciding what to do after you’ve asked for it doesn’t come automatically. Don’t worry about it. We are here to help you create your blog from scratch. In today’s guide, we hope to answer many possible questions in your mind. The first one is “What is a personal blog?” We want to answer this simple but fundamental question to help you cover the basic idea behind this blog topic. Then, we will immediately start to answer how to start a blog from scratch by providing six simple steps. We will begin with understanding your interests, considering your expertise, and moving on to defining your target audience. If you’re ready, let’s dive in! 

What Is a Personal Blog? 

A personal blog is a website where people share their experiences, thoughts, and interests with others. These people, also known as bloggers, try to cover specific topics, from hobbies to travel experiences. As its name signifies, their owners use these types of blogs for self-expression and connecting with readers. Once their readers share similar experiences or interests, they will be able to create a two-way communication. When we check the style of personal blogs, we can say that they are typically written in a diary-like format. What do we mean by this? The blogger shares something related to the blog daily, weekly, or even monthly. So, the most recent posts are viewed at the top, and readers will see older posts as they scroll down. At the end of the day, readers can leave comments and engage in discussions. 

how to start a blog from scratch

How to Start a Blog From Scratch  

After taking a quick look at the personal blog meaning, we have a lot of work to do after deciding to start a blog. We would like to introduce the basic steps to create your blog if you are ready. Here we go! 

  • Understand Your Interests and Consider Your Experience/Expertise  
  • Choosing the Right Blog Topic 
  • Define Your Target Audience 
  • Select a Blogging Platform 
  • Give a Name to Your Blog  
  • Customize Your Blog and Format 
  • Start Blogging
understand your interests

Understand Your Interests and Consider Your Experience/Expertise  

When starting a blog from scratch, the first thing is to consider what you really enjoy and know a lot about. Answering these two questions plays a vital role in your blog posts. That’s because your blog will be more interesting and enjoyable for you if you write about things you’re passionate about. On the other hand, if you choose a topic about which you don’t have much knowledge, you might get bored. Or, you might struggle to find things to write about after a while, right? That’s why understanding your interests and considering your experiences should be your priority after creating a personal blog.  

We know that selecting the right blog topic is easier said than done. But you don’t need to worry about it. As we said, we are here to help in any case while creating your personal blog. That’s why we want to provide the most popular 15 examples of personal blogs. We hope these ideas will be useful for you, especially if you haven’t decided on your blog post topic yet.  

  • Travel Experiences 
  • Food and Cooking Tips and Recipes 
  • Fashion or Makeup Tutorials 
  • Health and Wellness Tips 
  • Do-It-Yourself Project 
  • Career and Professional Development 
  • Fitness and Exercise 
  • Book and Movie Reviews 
  • Personal Development  
  • Pet Care and Nutrition 
  • Home Decor and Interior Design 
  • Technological Development  
  • Product/Service Reviews 
  • Gaming and Video Game Reviews 
  • Minimalism 
choosing the right blog topic

Choosing the Right Blog Topic 

After considering the personal blog examples, it’s time to check the steps that help you find the optimal blog topic. As we already know, selecting the best topic requires careful consideration of your interests, knowledge, and expertise. How are you going to do this? Let us help you. Also, check the blog topic ideas here.

  • Identify Your Passions: We highly recommend starting by thinking about what you are passionate about. In other words, what kinds of topics for your posts excite you? After answering this critical question, you will be able to be halfway there. 
  • Measure Your Knowledge and Expertise: You should now consider the areas of expertise and experience you can draw from. At this point, having knowledge that provides value to your target audience is essential. 
  • Research Trends: In today’s digital environment, trends are everything. That’s why we highly recommend you check the latest trends and popular topics about your interests. 
  • Check Your Competitors: Checking your competitors with similar interests, knowledge, and expertise helps you find the optimal blog topic. 
define your target audience

Define Your Target Audience 

Once you select a potential blog topic for your personal blog, the next step is to define your target audience. Who are the people you are trying to reach with your content? Understanding and analyzing your target audience in the right way is very important as it influences the content you create. Those people also significantly impact how you write your posts and even the design of your blog. So, the next question is coming: Who will be your target audience? Of course, it is a tricky question. But let us introduce a few steps to help you determine your target audience. 

  • Start by researching the demographic structure of the people you want to reach. You can collect information about your potential readers by checking their age, gender, location, occupation, etc. As a result, you can understand the people you need to focus on. 
  • Then, consider your target readers’ interests, hobbies, and preferences. You can ask a lot of questions. For example, “What are they passionate about?” or “What questions do they have that your blog can answer?”  
  • After that, create a persona that is a fictional representation of your ideal readers. For example, if your personal blog is about makeup, your probable persona is a young woman who cares about their beauty. 

Finally, check your competitors’ blogs and websites to understand their target audience. You can check their content and engagement to gain insights. 

select a blogging platform

Select a Blogging Platform 

Up to this point, we provided examples of personal blogs and tips to define your target audience. Now, it’s time to choose a platform where you are blogging. Here, selecting the right platform is a critical decision, especially if you still don’t perfectly know how to create a blog. Your choice will impact your blog’s functionality and customization options. Therefore, you must check your technical proficiency, knowledge, and desired customization features.  

If you need clarification about selecting the right blogging platform, let us help you. We would like to introduce the most popular platforms you can prefer for your personal blog. 

  • WordPress: WordPress, the most popular blogging platform, offers complete control over your blog regarding design and functionality. Since the platform provides thousands of themes and plugins, we guarantee your blog will be unique. 
  • Tumblr: As you guessed, Tumblr is the world’s biggest micro-blogging platform. If you plan to share multimedia-rich posts, this great platform will help you. It’s simple to set up an account and use.  
  • Blogger: Blogger, created by Google, is an excellent blogging platform for everyone, especially beginners who don’t know how to make a blog. The platform is free to use and includes hosting. However, as you might guess, you can find a smaller number of customization options than other well-known blogging platforms. 

You will have two different options while selecting the right blogging platform for your personal blog. These are self-hosted platforms and hosted platforms. So, what are the differences between them?  

Self-hosted platforms, like WordPress, require you to manage hosting and domain registration independently. In other words, such platforms don’t provide hosting and domain name registration services. However, self-hosted platforms provide greater flexibility and control over your blog. Conversely, a hosted platform like Blogger offers a simple but full setup process. These platforms’ services include hosting and domain registration, with limited customization options. 

give a name to your blog

Give a Name to Your Blog  

We’ve come to the most enjoyable part of creating a personal blog from scratch. Now, you need to find a name for your blog. Of course, you may already have some good ideas, but just be careful about your selection. At this point, there are a few things you need to consider when choosing your blog name. Let’s take a brief look at them one by one. 

  • Be Unique: There are thousands of personal blogs out there. You need to be unique in any aspect of your blog, including the blog name.  
  • Make It Easy to Say and Spell: Your personal blog has the potential to be very popular in the future, right? So, try to find a blog name that is easy to say, spell, and share with others.  
  • Be Relevant: Your blog name should touch on the topics you cover on your blog. Otherwise, people cannot find a relationship between your blog name and content.  
  • Reflect Future: Your blog might cover more comprehensive topics in the future. Therefore, your blog name should also reflect future topics. Don’t be very specific and focus on your current content type.  

Okay, even if you look at the tips above, you might not still find a good blog name. Don’t panic. There are a lot of ways to find the optimal blog name. You can talk about your friends and families and brainstorm about your blog name. Or, there are dozens of blog name generators available on the web. All you have to do is to visit one of them and check the possible names. That’s all!  

customize your blog

Customize Your Blog and Format 

After completing all the steps above, you can customize your blog based on your preferences. Of course, you should also consider your target audience and their needs. As you might guess, you need to be unique as much as possible to attract your potential readers’ attention. In the first stage, we recommend that your blog design should be simple but effective. How are you going to achieve this? For example, if you share cooking tips and recipes, you can use red colors that make people hungry. Or, if you are sharing posts about water sports, you should use blue tones. Also, check this content management system article.

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While customizing your personal blog, you should also select a logo that reflects your blog’s theme and content. This can be a photograph, an icon, or an illustration. Besides, you need to set up a navigation menu that is easy to use and understand. It must include categories or essential pages like “About” and “Contact.”  

start blogging

Start Blogging 

Once you’ve set up your personal blog, customized its design, and optimized it for your readers, it’s time to start blogging. To make your blogging journey more prosperous, just follow the steps below. 

  • Determine a schedule for when you will post your content – every day, twice a week, or weekly. This will help you be consistent and keep your readers engaged. 
  • Concentrate on quality, not quantity. Focus on creating well-researched, informative, and engaging posts that attract your potential readers’ attention. 
  • Conduct keyword research to optimize your content and make it SEO-friendly. This will help you increase your posts’ visibility in search engines’ eyes. 
  • Use attractive headlines that attract your visitors’ attention and increase your blogs’ click rates. 
  • Use different types of visuals, from images and videos to infographics and gifs. These will help you make your content more engaging and shareable. 
  • Encourage comments and discussions by asking questions and responding to your blog visitors’ comments. 
  • After sharing a post on your blog, share it on other websites as well. You can use your social media account or relevant online communities to increase your blog’s popularity. 

Our Final Thoughts on How to Start a Personal Blog  

Personal blogs are very popular blog topics these days. Therefore, you might also create such a blog. In today’s article, we tried to provide basic information about how to blog. To create a personal blog from scratch, all you need to do is follow the six steps mentioned above. You should first identify your interests and understand your target audience. After that, you can select a platform. Depending on your technical skills, expertise, and expectations from the platforms, the best platforms you prefer will change. For example, if you need many customization options and have the technical skills to use them, WordPress will be your best option. You should also select a good, unique, reflective, easy-to-say, and spell blog name. You can brainstorm or simply use an online blog name generator to do this.

Be careful about your scheduling, keyword research, and visual aspects of your personal blog. Remember to engage your readers; they are everything for your blog’s success.   

Frequently Asked Questions About

Personal blogs, trendy these days, are a blog type where individuals share their knowledge, expertise, or interests. These individuals, called bloggers, regularly share blog posts and engage with their readers.

Actually, there are dozens of platforms available on the web for your personal blog adventure. WordPress, Blogger, Medium, and Tumblr are the most popular platforms you can consider.

Yes, it’s a tricky question, but you can brainstorm with friends and family. You can also check the blog content you are planning to create. Or, you can just simply use blog name generators available on the internet. 

Nowadays, travel, DIY projects, minimalist lifestyle, cooking and recipes, product reviews, and a healthy lifestyle are trend topics for blogs.

It totally depends on you. If you follow the latest technological developments and trust your knowledge, technology can be a good blog topic idea. But, if you have lots of experience with your pets, you might think about pet care as an idea for your personal blog.

Ayşenur Tekin

Posts: 33

After completing my undergraduate degree in Translating and Interpreting, I became curious about digital marketing and started to improve myself. This led me to work as a content editor in digital marketing. Currently, I continue to work as a content editor and write informative articles.

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